Sister Pari Ansary
Sister Pari Ansary is a key part of what makes Al-Maqasid in Allentown, Pennsylvania a special and welcoming place. She is a humble and gentle soul, who happens to also be the wife of Shaykh Yahya Rhodus. Sister Pari came to America with her family at the age of three as a refugee from Kabul, Afghanistan, and grew up in Virginia.
In this episode she talks about how influential Imam Siraj Wahhaj was in the early stages of her journey and how his tape recordings helped her become more religious. Following that a convert friend of hers introduced her to Imam Al-Haddad’s The Book of Assistance, which convinced her to study in Tarim. Once she married Sh Yahya she spent over five years learning from the female scholars in Hadramawt Yemen, while raising her children there.
Since graduating from Hakim Salim Khan’s College of Medicine and Healing Arts in the UK she runs her own practice: Pure Earth Healing. She talks about the importance of natural healing and understanding the temperaments, which she says is important for Muslims to know in order to understand themselves, and by extension improve their relationship with Allah SWT and His Creation.
Assalamu alaykum,
As I begin my own spiritual journey, I want to hear from those who have taken this path before me. This podcast focuses on them and listening to their stories — uninterrupted. My name is Hebah Masood and I invite you to reflect on the trajectories of their lives, and the guidance and blessings provided by Allah swt along that journey.
Sister Pari Ansary is a key part of what makes Al-Maqasid in Allentown, Pennsylvania a special and welcoming place. She is a humble and gentle soul, who happens to also be the wife of Shaykh Yahya Rhodus. Sister Pari came to America with her family at the age of three as a refugee from Kabul, Afghanistan, and grew up in Virginia.
In this episode she talks about how influential Imam Siraj Wahhaj was in the early stages of her journey and how his tape recordings helped her become more religious. Following that a convert friend of hers introduced her to Imam Al-Haddad’s The Book of Assistance, which convinced her to study in Tarim. Once she married Sh Yahya she spent over five years learning from the female scholars in Hadramawt Yemen, while raising her children there.
Since graduating from Hakim Salim Khan’s College of Medicine and Healing Arts in the UK she runs her own practice: Pure Earth Healing. She talks about the importance of natural healing and understanding the temperaments, which she says is important for Muslims to know in order to understand themselves, and by extension improve their relationship with Allah SWT and His Creation.
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