Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 in total

Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari

Welcome to the Journey Podcast - a podcast where we hear from our blessed teachers and community members about their spiritual journeys. My name is Hebah Masood. I inv...

Shaykh Hamzah wald Maqbul

Shaykh C Hamzah Wald Maqbul shocked not only me, but also the barista when he ordered in fluent Uzbek at a coffee stand outside the Registan Square in Samarkand a few ...

Ustadh Omar Popal

At age 16, Ustadh Omar Popal was an extremely homesick madrasa student in Campertown, South Africa. He was far from home, his family and friends. He was struggling to...

Imam Ahmad Deeb

His grandfather Dr. Sheikh Ramadan Deeb, one of the oldest living scholars in Damascus, is a renowned Syrian scholar who built important bridges between western and ea...

Sidi Mustafa Davis

Sidi Mustafa Davis’ timeline follows many in the ‘90s who took their shahada and travelled overseas seeking knowledge. He converted as an atheistic college student aft...

Ustadha Zaynab Ansari

Ustadha Zaynab Mansour Ansari is the daughter of converts — an African American mother and a Lebanese American father. Her parents converted to Islam in the 1970s and ...

Imam Dawud Walid

Imam Dawud Walid grew up south of the Mason-Dixon line in Chesterfield County, Virginia. It was commonplace to see Confederate flags and signs like “The South will ris...

Shaykh Zane Abdo

Shaykh Zane Abdo was born and raised in Liverpool, UK. From a young age, he was inspired by lectures from scholars like Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Shaykh Abdul-Hakim Murad an...

Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra

Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra prefaced his interview by saying he had nothing great to share. But as you’ll soon see, he has a heartwarming and inspiring story. He was bo...

Anse Tamara Gray

JazakAllah khayr and special thanks to Sister Mozynah Nofal and The Women's Circle at the University of Toronto for the opportunity to host this week’s event and inter...

Ustadha Nuriddeen Knight

The daughter of Caribbean Immigrants who converted to Islam, Ustadha Nuriddeen Knight , began her own journey to seek knowledge at the Muslim Education and Converts Ce...

Shaykh Nuh Saunders

Shaykh Nuh Lavotte Saunders grew up in Philadelphia, a place he describes as having a lot of Muslims but very little Islam. As a teenager, he lacked good suhba, the ri...

Imam Yama Niazi

Like many Afghans, Imam Yama Niazi's family left Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion. By the '90s, he was an 18 year old aspiring rapper in Santa Barbara, Californi...

Sidi Saleh Clemons

Sidi Saleh Clemons’ journey starts with the adhan. He first saw the word in a novel, then listened to a recitation on YouTube. He was struck by the beauty of the adhan...

Shaykh Jamal Ud-Deen Hysaw

Shaykh Jamal Ud-deen Hysaw describes his childhood as nomadic. He moved across the United States, living in suburban communities where he often felt the effects of rac...

Imam Sohaib Sultan

I first met Imam Sohaib Sultan at a weekend retreat organized by the Princeton MLP. Imam Sohaib and his wife Arshe Ahmed welcomed me to the Central Jersey community wi...

Shaykh AbdulKarim Yahya

Reflecting on the order and harmony within nature, Shaykh AbdulKarim Yahya knew at a young age that God existed. He embraced Islam in his junior year of high school in...

Sidi Uthman Ames

Sidi Wendell Uthman Ames’ story begins at a hip hop store in Southern California where he worked during high school. He watched his manager take breaks during the day ...

Sister Zainab Ismail

Sister Zainab Ismail is known by many for her popular Instagram page @zainab_fitforallah. Prior to taking her shahada, she worked as a fitness trainer and nutritionist...

My Mother

This special quarantine episode features my mom, my very first teacher and biggest inspiration. Those of you who know my mom and me, know that she's the cooler one. I ...

Ustadh Tariq Ameer

Ustadh Tariq Ameer grew up in a family that was part of the Nation of Islam and then made the transition to Sunni Islam with WD Muhammed. His own journey began with th...

Sister Pari Ansary

Sister Pari Ansary is a key part of what makes Al-Maqasid in Allentown, Pennsylvania a special and welcoming place. She is a humble and gentle soul, who happens to als...

Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

Shaykh Yusuf Weltch has a fascinating family history. He is part African American, British and Costa Rican, but he has Inca, Cherokee, Nicaraguan and Irish blood too. ...

Sister Tammy Elmansoury

Granddaughter of a well-known community member in New Jersey, Mohammad Yousseff, Sr. Tammy Elmansoury knew from a young age that Islam would play a central role in her...

Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia

Listening to Shaykh Amin Kholwadia’s voice takes me back to high school, when I used to attend his Sunday tafsir classes. His classes were not just for the average per...

Mufti Niaz Hannan

Assalamu alaykum, As I begin my own spiritual journey, I want to hear from those who have taken this path before me. This podcast focuses on them and listening to thei...

Imam Kaiser Aslam

Assalamu alaykum, As I begin my own spiritual journey, I want to hear from those who have taken this path before me. This podcast focuses on them and listening to thei...

Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

Assalamu alaykum, As I begin my own spiritual journey, I want to hear from those who have taken this path before me. This podcast focuses on them and listening to thei...

Dr. Shadee Elmasry

Assalamu alaykum, As I begin my own spiritual journey, I want to hear from those who have taken this path before me. This podcast focuses on them and listening to thei...

Ustadh Ryan Hilliard

Assalamu alaykum, As I begin my own spiritual journey, I want to hear from those who have taken this path before me. This podcast focuses on them and listening to thei...